RWServer Properties File

The easiest way to configure the Readerware server is to use the RWServer Configuration Utility. This will create the file for you in the correct location. You can also configure the server by creating your own file using a text editor.

Creating the Server Configuration File

The configuration file specifies the databases and modes etc. This file must be called "".

There are four sections to the configuration file. A common section where server properties are specified and three product sections where you specify the product and database information.

The common section can contain the following entries:
rw.svr.cp={Control port, default 9010}
rw.svr.dp={Data port, default 9001}
The product sections can contain the following entries:
rw.svr.ena={Database enabled (true or false)}
rw.svr.rnme={Registration name}
rw.svr.rcde={Registration code}
rw.svr.db={full path to the database}
rw.svr.mde={Database mode: 0=full, 1=checkout, 2=read only}
The above examples are configuring Readerware for books. To configure the music version start they keys with aw, i.e. aw.svr.db. For the video version the keys start with vw.

You do not need to start all databases, if you are only running Readerware for books, then you only need to define the rw.svr entries.

Note that special characters must be escaped with the backslash character. So to enter a backslash you must enter \\.


rw.svr.rnme=Readerware User

Saving the Server Configuration File

The configuration file must be called "". The location is determined by the operating system.

On Windows the configuration file must be stored in the location pointed to by the ALLUSERSPROFILE environment variable. Create a Readerware folder at that location and store the file in there. For example:

On Mac OS X the configuration file must be stored in the Application Support folder. Create a Readerware folder at that location and store the file in there. For example:
/Library/Application Support/Readerware/

On Linux the configuration file must be stored in your home folder. There should be a .readerware3 folder in there. For example:
You can use an alternate location by editing the script and adding the parameter "-Duser.home=/your/location" after the java command. For Example:
java -Duser.home=/your/location ...
Readerware will then look for the following file:

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