One of my sources provides 35-40 boxes of books every other month. The last batch of 39 boxes (without Readerware) took two months and one day to price, list/donate and get completely processed. I picked up the latest batch on October 16th. Eight days later they are 3/4 of the way done. So even though I don't have final numbers for the time saved, it was *at least* four times as fast. Further, I used to seldom bother with Mass Market Paperbacks. Those boxes I would usually skim, grab the few non-fiction titles that looked interesting so I could price them, and donate the rest untouched. With Readerware I am scanning in the scannable ones, typing in the other ISBNs, and so far in this batch have listed for sale 12-15 I would not have seen otherwise - one of which is now listed for nearly $50.00. So your software has unquestionably paid for itself in less than two weeks. I am astounded and grateful. Thank you.