Readerware Newsletter April 2012


Readerware Newsletter



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Readerware 3.12 has been released. We have wrapped up the initial version of Readerware for Android, plus some fixes and changes to the desktop version.

The Readerware web site search pages have been updated.

From the FAQ: How can I search my database by ...?

Readerware 3.12 Released

Updates for both the desktop and Android versions of Readerware.

Readerware now uses column names throughout the product, no more database names in auto-update etc. Column lists are now in alphabetical sequence.

Other changes include enhancements to the bulk editor, auto-update and improved memory usage.

The full list of changes is available in the release notes. You can also access the release notes from Readerware itself, select the Help->Release notes menu item.

Download Readerware 3.12
Readerware 3.12 Release Notes

Readerware Mobile for Android Update

Readerware for Android Thank you for all the feedback on the initial version of Readerware for Android. It has been very positive.

With this release we have addressed some problems with specific Android releases and fixed some issues you reported.

We have collected your ideas for future Android versions and will continue to expand the functionality.

If you decided to wait rather than download the first version of Readerware for Android, this is the release you have been waiting for.

Readerware Mobile for Android is now available for download from Google Play, formerly the Android Market. This is the recommended way to download Readerware as Google will automatically notify you when new versions are available. We have added QR Codes to the Readerware Android download page. Now you can snap the code with the camera on your Android device and you will be taken to Google Play where you can install the programs.

We still have the Readerware Android programs on our website, so if you prefer you can always install directly from there.

You can now install Readerware programs to internal memory or your sdcard on devices that support this. You can also locate your database at either location. So if you are short of memory on your device, the complete Readerware package can be located on an sdcard to conserve main memory.

Readerware Mobile for Android download page
Readerware Mobile for Android help page

Purchasing Readerware for Android

Many of you may be familiar with Readerware Palm Edition, a version of Readerware than runs on a Palm OS device. As we expand supported mobile platforms we have renamed this to Readerware Mobile Edition.

Just as with the desktop version, you purchase Readerware Mobile Edition and run it on the supported platform of your choice. If you have multiple Android devices, you only need the one Readerware Mobile license.

If you currently have a Readerware 3 Palm Edition license you can switch to Android for free. If not you will need to upgrade your current Readerware 3 license to Readerware Mobile Edition. Not sure what you have? Select the About Readerware menu item. If you have Readerware Standard Edition you will need to upgrade. If you have Readerware Mobile or Client/Server Edition, you are all set.

Haven't upgraded to Readerware 3 yet? Now you can upgrade from Readerware 2 Standard Edition to Readerware 3 Mobile Edition in one easy step. Choose your Readerware 3 upgrade on the upgrade ordering page and add the mobile option at checkout.

To order Readerware upgrades, use the ordering link below.

Readerware upgrade ordering page

Web site changes

Readerware Website The web search pages have been upgraded to match the main web site. If you are not familiar with these pages, they are displayed when you select one of the Web menu Search items.

There are a lot of different uses for these pages. If you have just purchased a new book you can bring up the search page, locate the book and the drag & drop to catalog it.

Readerware will preload the currently selected item into the search page. Suppose you want to find other titles by a favorite author or artist. Select the quick search option and Readerware will display the search page with the name already filled in. Select your site and search. You can place an order, drag & drop to catalog etc.

Have some valuable items in your collection? See how much they are worth. Select the ISBN/UPC search, again Readerware will preload the data into the web page, select your web site and search.

When you click on the Search button, your search results will be displayed in a new browser window or tab. You can switch between the two to easily modify your search and display the results. If the search results window does not appear, you may need to change your browser popup blocker.

There are additional sites supported when you use drag & drop, the full list is displayed on the media specific search page. These are sites that we cannot support using auto-catalog but can be very useful when cataloging some of your more esoteric items.

In addition to opening these pages from within Readerware, you can also bookmark them in your favorite browser for easy access anytime.

Readerware Search Pages

FAQ: How can I search my database by ...?

To search your database in Readerware, select the search type from the drop down list in the search bar, enter the search criteria and click on the Search button.

What if the search you are looking for is not listed?

In Readerware 3 you can customize the search bar. You can control which searches are listed and in what order. If you have a search you use all the time, you can move it to the top of the list. If there are searches you never use, you can remove them from the list.

The default search bar contains common searches. If the search you are looking for is not there, you can add it.

Select the Preferences menu item, then Search List.

Searches displayed with a green check mark are included in the search bar, those displayed with a red X are hidden. Double-click on an entry to toggle its state.

To change the order of a search entry in the list, select it and use the arrow keys to move it up or down.

Search List Preferences
Readerware Knowledge Base

Readerware support

There is nothing more important than responding to your questions and feedback. You can always e-mail and expect a prompt reply. You will receive a reply within 12 hours maximum, normally a lot sooner. Unfortunately e-mail communications are not as reliable as they once were. Spam and the various schemes people have dreamed up to combat spam are interfering with normal e-mail communications.

If you have not received a response to your support request within 12 hours, something has gone wrong.

  • Check any Spam or message filters, the response may be there.
  • Check with your ISP or system administrator. Sites are implementing various defense mechanisms which often block legitimate e-mail.
  • If you are using a challenge system, please check to see if your response is being held. We do try and respond to challenge e-mail, but it can mean your response is delayed.

If you have not received a response within 12 hours, don't wait any longer, send a follow up e-mail. If possible try and include an alternate e-mail address. We will re-send your answer from another e-mail server to all addresses you specify.

Obviously Spam is a real problem, but it is important to realize that none of the defense mechanisms are anywhere near 100% accurate. There is nothing more frustrating for you than feeling ignored, you aren't being ignored.

All support e-mail is answered within 12 hours, if you don't get that response, check your anti-spam measures and try again.


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