The search bar is always available in the main window and provides instant access to the powerful search facilities built into Readerware. Select the column or field you want to search, the operator to use and the value you want to search for. Click on the Search button or hit the Enter key to begin your search.
You can click on the Adv. Search button to build a more complicated search. You can enter multiple conditions and combine them with and/or. You can also save your advanced searches and easily run them at any time by selecting them from the Search->Saved searches menu item.
The operator list is new in Readerware 4 and gives you more control over your searches. In Readerware 3 you could include wildcards in the value field to achieve some of these results. In Readerware 4 the use of wildcards is discouraged, use the operators contains, begins with and ends with instead. If you do enter wildcards in your search values, the operator selection is ignored.
- The column or field you want to search, i.e. Artist, Title, Category etc.
- The operator, is, contains, begins with etc.
- The value you are searching for
If you select a date search you will have operators to search for an exact match, on or after, before etc.
- Is - Readerware looks for an exact match of what you enter
- Contains - Readerware looks for the text you enter anywhere in the field
- Begins with - Readerware looks for the specified text at the beginning of the field
- Ends with - Readerware looks for the specified value at the end of the field
- Is empty - The value field is ignored and Readerware looks for items that have nothing in the selected field
Readerware Music Searches | |
Search | Description |
Album ID | Enter an album ID |
Album Info | Enter search text |
Artist | Select an artist from the list using the mouse or keyboard. You can also type part of a name and select an operator like Contains |
Borrower | Select a borrower from the list to display a list of albums currently on loan to this borrower |
Borrower ID | Enter or scan a Borrower ID to display a list of albums currently on loan to this borrower |
Buyer waiting | Select a value from the list using the mouse or keyboard |
Call Number | Enter a Call Number |
Category | Select a category from the list using the mouse or keyboard. Readerware will search all category fields |
Comments | Enter search text |
Composer | Select a contributor from the list using the mouse or keyboard. You can also type part of a name and select an operator like Contains |
Condition | Select a condition from the list using the mouse or keyboard |
Conductor | Select a contributor from the list using the mouse or keyboard. You can also type part of a name and select an operator like Contains |
Contributor | Select a contributor from the list using the mouse or keyboard. You can also type part of a name and select an operator like Contains. Readerware will search all contributor fields, Artist, Composer etc. |
Copies | Select a value from the list using the mouse or keyboard. Readerware will search based on the number of copies of an album you have |
Copyright date | Click on the down arrow and select the date using the calendar or type it in |
Cover condition | Select a condition from the list using the mouse or keyboard |
Date entered | Click on the down arrow and select the date using the calendar. Choose an operator to search on just that date, on or after that date etc. |
Date last updated | Click on the down arrow and select the date using the calendar |
Dewey | Enter a Dewey Decimal Number |
Duplicates | The duplicates search will return possible duplicate albums. You can determine which fields are matched when checking for duplicates in preferences. |
Favorites | Select a value from the list using the mouse or keyboard |
Format | Select a value from the list to search by album format, CD, SACD, LP etc. |
Full text search | Enter search text. Readerware will search all text fields for the entered value, title, artist, album info etc. |
Image | Select a value from the list, Readerware will display albums with and without images |
Inventory count | Select a value from the list using the mouse or keyboard. The inventory count search is used to make sure all items are present after performing an inventory of your collection. |
Keys search | Enter search text. Readerware will search all key fields for the entered value, UPC, Catalog Number, User Number, Album ID etc. |
Keywords | Enter comma separated keywords. Choose from the operator list to determine how Readerware combines the keywords. Keyword order is not important |
Label | Select a value from the list using the mouse or keyboard |
Last played date | Click on the down arrow and select the date using the calendar. Choose an operator to search on just that date, on or after that date etc. |
LCCN | Enter a Library of Congress Card Catalog number |
Location | Select a location from the list using the mouse or keyboard |
Loan Count | Search based on the number of times an album has been loaned out. You can search for an exact match, less than, greater than etc. |
Loans | Select a value from the list using the mouse or keyboard. Readerware can search for albums on loan, overdue etc. If loan columns are displayed, the loan information will be included. This search returns all active loans, if you have 5 copies of an album out on loan, the album is listed 5 times with the information for each loan |
My Rating | Select a rating from the list using the mouse or keyboard |
Orchestra | Select a contributor from the list using the mouse or keyboard. You can also type part of a name and select an operator like Contains |
Out of print | Select a value from the list using the mouse or keyboard. Readerware will search for albums in or out of print |
Owner | Select a value from the list using the mouse or keyboard to search by owner |
Place | Select a value from the list using the mouse or keyboard |
Played | Select a value from the list using the mouse or keyboard |
Purchase date | Click on the down arrow and select the date using the calendar. Choose an operator to search on just that date, on or after that date etc. |
Purchase place | Select a value from the list using the mouse or keyboard |
Recording type | Select a value from the list to search by recording type, Studio, Live etc. |
Release date | Click on the down arrow and select the date using the calendar or type it in |
Series | Select a value from the list. Readerware will search for albums that are part of the specified series |
Soloist | Select a contributor from the list using the mouse or keyboard. You can also type part of a name and select an operator like Contains |
Songwriter | Enter search text. Readerware will search the track level Songwriter column for the entered text. |
Sound | Select a value from the list to search by album sound, Mono, Stereo etc. |
Source | Select a value from the list using the mouse or keyboard to search by the source used to catalog the album |
Status | Select a value from the list using the mouse or keyboard |
Title | Enter part of a title, Readerware will return any item where the title contains these characters |
Track title | Enter part of a title, Readerware will return any album with a track title containing these characters |
UPC/Barcode | Enter a UPC or scan the barcode |
Updated by last wizard | This search will display those items updated by the last wizard run, i.e. the last auto-catalog run. This can be useful when you want to review the changes made by a wizard |
User number | Enter the user number of an album |
User 1 - User 10 |
These searches will appear in the search list under the name you assigned for any user defined fields you activated. Enter search text |
Work | Enter search text |
Value | Enter the album value you are looking for |
ASIN | Enter an ASIN |