You can access the Loan Tracker in several ways:
In The Readerware Loan Tracker Window, you can enter the following information:
Loan Number - If you have multiple copies of an item, you can have multiple loan records. Readerware will not allow more loan records than you have copies.Click on the New Loan button to add the item to the Readerware Loan Tracker database.To add a new loan, select the <New Loan> entry. If this entry is not in the list, it means that you have already loaned out all copies.
To update an existing loan or return an item, (delete the loan), select the appropriate loan number. If no loan numbers are displayed in the list, there are no existing loans.
Loaned To - The name of the person or organization borrowing the item, (Required field).
You can select the borrower from the list or enter a new borrower. When you add the loan, the borrower is automatically added to the list and can be selected next time they borrow an item.
Loaned Date - The loan date, this defaults to the current date, (Required field).
Due Date - The due date, the default loan period is set in Preferences, (Required field).
Click on Update Loan to update an existing loan entry.
When the item is returned, click on the Returned button to delete the item from the Readerware Loan Tracker database.
Click on Cancel to dismiss the Readerware Loan
without making any changes.