Readerware 4
Loan Client

Getting Started
Numbering Your Items

The Readerware Loan Client Window
Borrower Section
Items Section
Table View
Detail View

Export Format Page
Export File Selection Page
Verification Page
Exporting Page
Export Complete Page
Import Format Page
Import Replace Page
Import File Selection Page
Verification Page
Importing Page
Import Complete Page

Borrower report
Borrower receipt
Overdue report
Borrower barcodes
Borrower list

General Preferences
Toolbar Preferences
Update Preferences
Table View Preferences
Search List Preferences
Contributor Preferences
Font Preferences
Hotkey Preferences
Proxy Preferences
Loan Preferences

Readerware Client/Server Edition
Installing the Readerware Server
Installing the Readerware Server on Windows
Installing the Readerware Server on Linux
Installing the Readerware Server on macOS
Installing the Readerware Server on macOS Catalina or better
Running Readerware in Client/Server Mode
Configuring the Readerware Server
The Ports Tab
The Server (Database) Tabs
The Mobile Tabs
Configuring the Readerware Client
Configuring the Readerware Loan Client
Readerware Server Log File
Connection Problems
Database Maintenance
Database Connection Dialog
Server Properties File