Readerware 4 Video

Upgrading from Readerware 3
Installing Readerware 4
Converting your database
Database Upgrade Wizard
Converting an external database
Installing Readerware 4 on a new computer
Upgrading Client/Server Edition

The Readerware Window
Window layout
Table View
Tree View
Thumbnail View
Fish Eye View
Detail View
Creating Your Own Views
Changing the Default View

Cataloging Your Library
Auto Catalog
Site Selection Page
ISBN Input Page
Verification Page
Running Page
Complete Page
Site Overloaded Error
Drag & Drop from the Web
Drag & Drop from a File
Auto Update
Site Selection Page
Item Selection Page
ISBN Input Page
Column Selection Page
Verification Page
Running Page
Complete Page
Manually Adding a Video
Maintaining lists, Actor, Format. Category etc.
Adding actors, directors etc.
Custom Extraction

Searching Your Database
The Search Bar
The Advanced Search Window
The Default Search
Search for Duplicates

Checking Videos In and Out
The Loan Tracker Window
Searching For Videos on Loan and Overdue
Loan Preferences

Want List
Using the want list

Bulk Edits
Bulk Editor
Item Selection Page
ISBN/UPC Input Page
Column Selection Page
Verification Page
Changing Page
Complete Page
Editing Copies
Global Price Changes
Automatically Generating User Numbers
Title Editing
Maintaining lists, Actor, Format. Category etc.

Your Database
About your Database
Database Statistics
Database Properties
Copy/Paste Database Rows
External Databases
SQL Server
Changing Databases
Backing Up your Database

Export Format Page
Export File Selection Page
Export Video Selection Page
Export Column Selection Page
Verification Page
Exporting Page
Export Complete Page
Import Format Page
Import File Selection Page
Verification Page
Importing Page
Import Complete Page

Backup Wizard
Backup File Selection Page
Verification Page
Backup Page
Backup Complete Page
Backup to CD
Restore Wizard
Backup File Selection Page
Database Selection Page
Verification Page
Restore Page
Restore Complete Page

Standard Reports
Selecting the Videos to Print
Formatting the Report
Printing the Report
Report Writer
Readerware Report Writer
Creating Report Writer Templates
Report Writer Keywords
Printing barcodes
Printing spine labels

Readerware Preferences
General Preferences
Toolbar Preferences
Update Preferences
View Preferences
Table View
Tree View
Thumbnail View
Detail View
Search List Preferences
Site Preferences
Database Preferences
Column Names
User Columns
Contributor Preferences
Image Preferences
Sound Preferences
Font Preferences
Hotkey Preferences
Auto-Catalog Preferences
Proxy Preferences
Mobile Preferences
Loan Preferences
Readerware Command Line

Portable Installations
Make Portable Wizard
Drive Selection Page
Portable Options Page
Verification Page
Run Page
Complete Page
Import Portable Wizard
Drive Selection Page
Database Selection Page
Verification Page
Run Page
Complete Page

Barcode Support
Bar Code Reader Support

Readerware Mobile (Android)
Synchronizing your databases
Using Readerware Mobile on Android
Using Readerware Mobile as a barcode reader

Readerware Mobile (iOS)
Synchronizing your databases
Using Readerware Mobile on iOS
Using Readerware Mobile as a barcode reader

Readerware Mobile (iPod notes)
Exporting a database to your iPod
Using Readerware on your iPod

Readerware Mobile (Palm)
Introducing Readerware Palm Edition
Installing Readerware Palm Edition
Exporting to your Palm
Using Readerware Palm Edition

Readerware Client/Server Edition
Installing the Readerware Server
Installing the Readerware Server on Windows
Installing the Readerware Server on Linux
Installing the Readerware Server on macOS
Installing the Readerware Server on macOS Catalina or better
Running Readerware in Client/Server Mode
Configuring the Readerware Server
The Ports Tab
The Server (Database) Tabs
The Mobile Tabs
Configuring the Readerware Client
Configuring the Readerware Loan Client
Readerware Server Log File
Connection Problems
Database Maintenance
Database Connection Dialog
Server Properties File